Hi Jan, Thank you for your answer.
Well, I don't have any image as attachment to my emails. I probably get an attachment limit in PHP, but I can send emails with at least a 2Mb file attached without problems, which in this case can be enough for images with a maximum size of 9Kb. The total amount of the images I will send is less than 20Kb. I would expect that all the images come as attachments like I get when I receive emails from other companies, but I don't get any attachment at all, the only thing I have is a replacement of the image with the alternate text, that's all. I am running a Debian Stretch 9.2 server with PHP 7.1. I can attach many files to my emails without problems. My original signature is using an html link for the images, but I would rather embed images in my signature. If you have a hint for me to test. I really don't know what happens to these embedded images.... All the best ----- Mail original ----- De: "Jan Schneider" <j...@horde.org> À: imp@lists.horde.org Envoyé: Vendredi 10 Novembre 2017 21:42:32 Objet: Re: [imp] Embedded images in html mail signature Zitat von poubel...@free.fr: > Hi All, > > I have checked for this issue on the web and found an article for a > previous demand regarding this option and it was answered that we > have to wait for IMP 6.2 to have a better handling of images for > HTML signatures. > > So, with IMP 6.2.21 and Horde Webmail 5.2.17 I was ready to use this feature. > > But, it does not function correctly with HTML signatures. > When I click on the image inserttion for the signature, I can select > a picture which is correctly converted to a base64 info, and > correctly displayed in the HTML signature field, even if I close the > IMP options and re-open it. > However, this is where it does not work, when I send an html email, > the signature does not display any picture, and if I show the > message source, the HTML signature shows the following: > <IMG ALT="Mobile: " BORDER="0"> > instead of: > <IMG > SRC=" > > B1vgEc/K > > Vg8/v4PyCCP0R1BjFO1XAsb3DlmYRcizybXX+aR9gDX9nb00nBKTKX01K5M6iiN48xkUSNKmxzaSKuTksyrcspMqSYfD3gl06Ja9Qo6jJy8moUql5I+Yopo0uV4bSpNFYDRSos6OFkjYBo5FAZGAKkEZ46FFmQ2CrMpKyA9JIyOy2xwRkfXE4Coc8FKTxyB8j9k/CSB8kn0OnTp0yqMxrQksxJQZJJJO59yeM64HZi2HpX2/Tj/2Q==" > ALT="Mobile: " > BORDER="0"> > > The SRC code for the IMG tag is missing on sent emails. > > Do anybody have a clue on this? Is this a bug which can be fixed for > the next IMP release? > > Thanks for your answers. > > Laurent Cannot reproduce, works just fine here. The image is sent as an attachment though, but correctly referenced from the message's source code. Do you hit an attachment size limit? -- Jan Schneider The Horde Project https://www.horde.org/ -- imp mailing list Frequently Asked Questions: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ To unsubscribe, mail: imp-unsubscr...@lists.horde.org -- imp mailing list Frequently Asked Questions: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ To unsubscribe, mail: imp-unsubscr...@lists.horde.org