Quoting cjdl01 <cjd...@brokensolstice.com>:

Quoting Jens Wahnes <wah...@uni-koeln.de>:

cjdl01 wrote:
It seems that when we receive an email that is html (or html and text) from *some* people, the email looks fine, until we hit the "Reply" button in imp. Then the message suddenly is injected with a bunch of extra carriage returns and lines with nothing but a question mark on them. It quadruples (roughly) the length of the email, and makes it very difficult to read. Some people are even afraid that the email has a virus because it is malformatted

concerning the empty lines, this *might* be emails sent by Outlook users that use HTML. Outlook's HTML is known to contain nonsense codes that causes lots of blank lines when replying (I think the root cause is some sort of empty line or paragraph that is supposed to have a line height of zero in Outlook but cannot be converted properly into the HTML editor Horde uses).

If this is indeed the problem you are facing, you may want to try some code that Joao S Veiga shared on the Horde mailing list some 18 months ago: <https://lists.horde.org/archives/horde/Week-of-Mon-20160104/055263.html>

The question mark thing, however, is not something I have encountered before, so I don't know about that.

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Thank you.. perhaps I'll do that.. but the question mark thing is by far and away the bigger problem. People are telling me that they think there is a virus in the email because it is malformatted, and emails are getting tossed without being read.

Also, it is a real pain to read emails -- especially as they build up in threads. We could live with the extra lines, but the question mark thing... that has to go. I'm sure it is probably a UTF thing... but I just don't know how to address it...

This is what it looks like (except it is html formatted):
Please find below the standard information that we will need to analyze your financial situation:


????????? Most recent pay stubs for the last 30 days

????????? All W-2s for the last two years

????????? (2) Most recent bank / financial account statements (checking/savings/retirement/etc...) All pages MUST be included.

????????? Last two years of Federal Tax Returns (all schedules required ? Michigan returns not needed)

????????? Signed Borrowers Authorization form (attached to this email as pdf file)


In the original email, there were no question marks, and they were single-spaced. Looking through the email headers, it doesn't even look like it was authored in Outlook (like I expected it to be). Hitting "Reply" is what creates the mal-formatting.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

Thank you.

I implemented Jens' suggestion, and it did help with the spaces, but as I feared, the question marks still remain. I just don't know what that could be, but it is definitely related to Outlook. I can replicate this over and over using Outlook. If I use Outlook Web Access, however, this does not occur. I suspect that is because Outlook hands off the formatting to word, and word is doing something non-standard...

the <o:p> tags were the culprit for the spaces, but I don't see any tags in the email that would account for the "?" characters...

I did open a bug on this... 14668.

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