Hi everyone!
I have the following situation:
Scenario: User is composing a message on the IMP smartmobile view. The
'attach_body_check' IMP hook is enabled and configured with a set of
'attachments' keywords. Horde/IMP is installed using Debian 8 official
packages, 'php-horde' is 5.2.1 and 'php-horde-imp' is 6.2.2-3.
It's well know that Debian ships a jQuery version which is not IMP
compatible. So, to be able to use even the very basic mail features in
smartmobile view, I needed to update jQuery / jQuery-mobile libs to
versions 1.12.4 / 1.3.2. I did this just by sym-linking default files
to the updated ones and the Horde smartmobile view worked correctly
(not only IMP, but Turba, Kronolith and Ingo also).
Symptoms: When using the IMP smartmobile view, it will not be possible
to send a message without attachments if in the message body text
there is any of the keywords defined in the 'attach_body_check' IMP
The first attempt to send will show -- as it is expected -- a warning
message informing that none attachments are indeed present. However,
the next attempts present the same behavior: a message warns about the
absence of attachments and the message is not sent. It will only be
sent if: 1) you remove the keyword(s) from the message, or 2) add some
attachment, or 3) disable the hook.
What I could see, by now: after a little debugging I detected that, in
some way, the 'IMP_Factory_Compose' class constructor is called as
many times as the user clicks 'Send' button while composing messages
on the smartmobile, according to the above described scenario.
This behavior seems to be incorrect, as this constructor is called
just once when using the Dynamic view which works correctly.
I could also see that each time the 'IMP_Factory_Compose' constructor
is called, a new 'object' is generated with the
'_metadata["attach_body_check"]' attribute unset/empty. A different
value for the '_cacheid' attribute is generated every time the user
clicks 'Send'.
This -- I suppose -- is causing the attach body verification code to
always detect the currently being composed message as a
'new-still-no-verified' message, which is consistent with the endless
loop behavior while trying to send the message.
As the smartmobile view is primarily driven by jQuery / jQuery-mobile,
this can be either related the the Horde JS code or to the library
1. Only the smartmobile view is affected. Dynamic view on both desktop
and mobile main browsers sends the messages at the 2nd attempt.
2. The tests where performed with the default Horde and IMP prefs. The
only hook enabled was 'attach_body_check'.
3. This issue also affects the IMP version 6.2.17-1 which is to be
shipped in the 'php-horde-imp' Debian stretch package.
Can anyone cast some light on this? Is this a Debian package related
bug or Horde/IMP bug?
Best regards,
Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivĂrus e
acredita-se estar livre de perigo.
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