Quoting Rene Zeipelt <zeip...@uni-wuppertal.de>:

we are running horde 5.2.12/imp 6.2.16 on Debian 8 against cyrus 2.5.10 also on Debian.
In the imp/config/backends.local.php we define

'special_mboxes' => array(
         IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_DRAFTS => 'Drafts',
         IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT => 'Sent',
         IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SPAM => 'Junk',
         IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_TEMPLATES => 'Templates',
         IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_TRASH => 'Trash',
    'autocreate_special' => true,

If a user login error messages for creating the special folders comes up. The IMAP log shows:

C: 7 CREATE INBOX.Drafts USE (\Drafts)
S: 7 BAD Unexpected extra arguments to Create
Command 7 took 0,0008 seconds.
C: 8 LIST () "" (INBOX.Spam)
S: 8 OK Completed (0.000 secs)
Command 8 took 0,0012 seconds.
C: 9 CREATE INBOX.Spam USE (\Junk)
S: 9 BAD Unexpected extra arguments to Create
Command 9 took 0,0012 seconds.

Can you provide the CAPABILITY response for your server?

On the web ui for imp the user can create folders manually.
Thanks for any help or hint.
Best regards Rene


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