Quoting HiP-HiPpO <art...@cdne.net>:

Quoting Arjen de Korte <arjen+ho...@de-korte.org>:

Citeren HiP-HiPpO <art...@cdne.net>:

I created the file imp/conf/backends.local.php with only the following contents. When logging in, I see no additional option to report mail as spam. How do I enable reporting?

$conf['spam']['reporting'] = true;
$conf['spam']['spamfolder'] = Spam;
$conf['notspam']['reporting'] = true;
$conf['notspam']['spamfolder'] = Inbox;
$conf['spam']['program'] = '/usr/bin/spamc -C report -u %l';
$conf['notspam']['program'] = '/usr/bin/spamc -C revoke -u %l';

Horde version 5.2.12
Imp version 6.2.16

Thank you, Art

I replaced all the contents in backends.local.php with the example shown in this thread and I have spam reporting buttons

This does not seem to be working.

This will only work if you have a spamd daemon running and it can accept connections from the spamc client.

 Initially, I was able to select a few incoming messages and choose the Spam button to report.  This is no longer working.  Now I select only one message, choose "Report as Spam".  The message is updated with an icon to suggest it is being processed as spam, however, that process never completes and the logged in session is hung in the browser.  I need to kill the browser and relogin to find that one message in an unchanged state, still seen as New in the Inbox.  


spamc seems to be working.  I used the GTUBE example file here; http://spamassassin.apache.org/gtube/gtube.txt and saved it as test.eml.  On a command line, I used `spamc -R < test.eml`.  This produced output and the test email was given a content analysis score of 1000.0 points.

I hadn't noticed the difference in versions between Groupware and Horde itself before.  Seems odd, but maybe not.
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.16
Horde 5.2.12
Imp 6.2.16

Seems very unreliable at this point.  With one login session, I was able to select one email in Inbox and choose the Spam button.  I selected the next mail, choose the Spam button and the browser churns for a very long time.  I have to kill the browser instance and log back in.  After logging in again, I selected a different mail, clicked the Spam button and the browser churned away, I forced killed the browser.  The next time logging in, I was able to mark 5 messages as Spam, on the 6th, browser churns and another force kill of the browser instance.  
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