Quoting Odhiambo Washington <odhia...@gmail.com>:

I wiped clean my installation last night and did a clean install of the

pear uninstall `pear list -c horde | tail -n +4 | awk '{ print "horde/"$1
mv horde horde_bk

pear install horde/horde_role
pear run-scripts horde/horde_role
pear install -a -B horde/webmail

I am then able to login to the admin interface and configure everything,
but when I click inbox, I get this message saying "error when communicating
with server" and i just hangs there trying to load inbox.

How do I debug this?

Check the webserver and horde error logs. Check the IMAP server logs. You can also enable IMAP debug logging in Horde in imp/config/backends.php.

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