Zitat von Aaron Paetznick <aar...@critd.com>:

We've found a particular message that generates an "Server does not support binary message data" error when we attempt to forward it from IMP. We're using Horde 5.2.10 and IMP 6.2.13. I thought the issue was similar to ticket #13901 (https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13901), but we're using regular SMTP and not ActiveSync.

It may still be the same issue. If we attach the message as-is as a message/rfc822 mime part, and that part is formatted so that it requires binarymime, that may be the issue. Theoretically.

We're also having problems with the same message and how it renders. It's an HTML message, and some of the links below a certain point no longer work. They simply aren't available to click. This does not happen for the same message in Outlook.com, Yahoo, Gmail, and even Horde3/IMP4. I wonder if this is related to the binary message data error above.

Is there an address we can forward the message to for analysis?


Best would be to upload it to a ticket on bugs.horde.org.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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