On 15 Mar 2016 12:49, "Jan Schneider" <j...@horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Simon B <simon.buongio...@gmail.com>:
>> On 15 Mar 2016 11:59, "Jan Schneider" <j...@horde.org> wrote:
>>> Zitat von Simon B <simon.buongio...@gmail.com>:
>>>> It used to be possible to do this (didn't it?).
>>>> Has this feature been removed, or is something missing from my
>>>> configuration?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Simon
>>> Still possible, but only after clicking "Show all parts".
>> Thanks Jan.
>> Would it be possible to move it to the right-click menu?
> No, there is no context menu for message parts.

I meant when right-clicking on the message in the message list.

>> Is it possible to show all parts by default?
> No, because this is confusing and completely unnecessary for 99% of the

Agree, but so is the "additional headers to display when viewing" option :)

If not by default, then as an option?

Actually, I just checked, I can get that to show up by selecting "show all
parts" in the viewing preferences, but I still have to click on show all
parts and wait for the frame to reload before the strip icon appears :(

>> Also, it's not working for me...
> Your screenshot shows the button, so what's not working?

Well, for one thing it's not next to the PDF I want to strip (it's 4mb).
Two, when I click on it I get the pop-up asking if I want to permanently
delete the attachment.  I click ok, the frame reloads, the PDF is still
there and so is everything else.

The screenshot I attached showed the view after I'd done the above and then
reclicked on show all parts (which should stay until I move away from the
message from a UX perspective, no?)


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