I did. I then noticed that js/ckeditor/config.js is not even being
included in the static cache bundle. I dug a little deeper, and it turns
out this is the wrong file for me to make this change.
This is working for me now. I found that I had to add
"disableNativeSpellChecker: false" to the config array at the top of the
imp/lib/Script/Package/Editor.php file. My hope is that this can be
added upstream, as it will probably be overwritten with the next pear
On 3/10/2016 10:08 AM, Arjen de Korte wrote:
Citeren Aaron Paetznick <aar...@critd.com>:
This post started as a feature request:
Basically I'm trying to get live spell checking to work when using
the HTML editor. I understand that the ckeditor is scheduled to be
upgraded with the next major release, which may or may not enable
live spell checking at that time. For now, I've tried setting
disableNativeSpellChecker to false, but it's not working for me.
Here's my js/ckeditor/config.js file:
Can anyone advise why this isn't working for me yet? I'm using the
latest stable versions of both Horde and IMP, which right now seems
to be Horde 5.2.9 and IMP 6.2.12. Thanks!
Did you clear the horde/static directory and the browser cache?
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