Enabling debug did not help, so I had to dig inside a source around
openssl_pkcs7_decrypt() function. All keys are OK, however input file
passed to this function contains only mime data without headers, unlike
specs http://php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-pkcs7-decrypt.php

"If you want to decrypt a received email, keep in mind that you need the
full encrypted message including the mime header."

I've verified this by executing simple function from the command line.
When input file contains full message source, function succeeds, if not
decrypt will fail.

On 20-Jan-16 3:30 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von D. Milanovic <t...@mandexin.ca>:
>> Hello,
>> I am unable to successfully decrypt S/MIME signed/encrypted message in
>> Horde. Sending is OK and message can be read in Thunderbird without
>> problems. However, error message "Could not decrypt S/MIME data." is
>> displayed when trying to read same message in Sent folder. Same error is
>> displayed for all incoming encrypted messages.
>> All certificates (personal and public) are imported without any errors.
>> No error messages in PHP or Horde log.
>> Horde version is 5.2.11, Imp version 6.2.11
> openssl_pkcs7_decrypt() which we use internally doesn't return a more
> detailed error message if decryption failed. It raises a PHP warning
> with some more information though, so you should see this in your
> PHP/Horde logs if your error_reporting level is sufficiently high.
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