Zitat von John H. Bennett III <benne...@thebennetthome.com>:
Hello all,
I've set up a test server that is running a GIT version of horde. I
just did a pull today, so I'm up to date.
The issue I am seeing is that when I send an email to myself, it is
received as userid@missing_domain.
For example, I'm logged in as admin, and am trying to send an email
to admin, and the from says To:admin@missing_domain. It's the same
for any user. This works fine on my production server running horde
5.2.8, imp 6.2.11, and as far as I can remember, has always worked.
I have a default identity set and , I've compared horde/conf.php,
imp/conf.php and backends.local.php settings against my production
server, and things match where they should except for any new
settings in the GIT version, and the different maildomain parameters
in imp/backends.local.php
If I send to ad...@domain.com, then it does display correctly.
Has something changed that I need to configure something else, or
have I just completely missed something? Probably the latter.
Any clues are appreciated.
Sorry I don't follow completely. Are you saying that sending the
address "ad...@domain.com" works, but literally "admin" (without
domain part) fails?
The latter would be completed with the maildomain parameter from the
backend configuration, so if you have differences there between your
working and non-working version, I'd start looking there.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project
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