Quoting Jean Charles Delépine <delep...@u-picardie.fr>:

Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubi...@horde.org>:

Quoting Jean Charles Delépine <delep...@u-picardie.fr>:


I can't find a way to add a button "Add Reply-To" near the "Add Cc" and "Add Cci" in compose window.

Is there any option/configuration I miss ?

One tipical usage of the Reply-To header : mail sent with many person in Cc but want the answers go
only to me, or only to an alias, or ...

This is done using Identities. See Preferences->Mail->Personal Information (Click "Show Advanced Preferences" at top right).

But this way I can add a permanent Reply-To, thats not what my users need.

It's only "permanent" if you only have one identity and add the Reply-To to it. You create a new identity for the Reply-To you want to use, then select that identity when sending the email by selecting it from the drop down menu in the "From:" field.

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