
Am 25.11.2015 um 11:33 schrieb Michael Menge:

We have seen a similar problem on our servers that might be related:
We have sporadic cases where user are able to login to horde, but
are than unable to access there mails in IMP because
"Mail server denied authentication".

Yes, that's the message we've seen as well (might have gotten lost in between all the other things I wrote).

> We use IMP for Horde Authentication,
and on the Log-files we see one successful login followed by many faild
logins.  We are pretty sure that the user didn't change password in

It's LDAP for Horde authentication here, with only a few users that are not allowed to access the mail server but still should be able to take a look into their calendar etc. So most of the time, the Horde password is used in IMP to successfully authenticate to the IMAP server as well.

From analyzing the logfiles, there seems to be some correlation between the IMAP proxy reporting "connection closed prematurely" and a "NO" reply when trying to login via IMP, but that's another story altogether. The problem I was referring to happens before any authentication has taken place in the IMAP session.

So we suspected that the password was not stored correct in the session,
got somehow corrupted or horde is unable to retrieve/decode the correct

We use horde_hashtable with Redis as session storage. But we had to
disable session
tracking because of performance impact, so i was unable to take a closer
look at the
problematic session.

We use file based session storage and I made a copy of the session file when the problem occured, but I don't want to share that information publicly because, AFAIK, the password is stored within the session.


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