On 25 Nov 2015 8:09 pm, "Simon B" <simon.buongio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> The ability to permanently delete emails was, looking through the
archives, last discussed in 2008.  The solution offered was to use virtual
trash and then purge.
> That's not significantly different from going to a physical trash and
deleting emails and doesn't offer any finer control.
> What I'm looking for is either a button/drop-down on the current delete
button that permanently deletes the email similar to the way shift+ delete
works on desktop clients.
> This would allow me to delete emails on the fly whilst still keeping
those in trash I might wish to archive or undelete at a later date.
> Similarly, I'd like to permanently delete mails I've marked as spam.
> Is this doable/something we can discuss?

It would be great if deleting an email (I.e. moving it to trash) would mark
it as read as well.


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