Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slus...@horde.org>:

Quoting Jens Wahnes <wah...@uni-koeln.de>:

After a very long search, I found out that this problem is caused by the code in the Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize class, or more precisely the code within the "next" method on line 292 or so. There is a comment attached to the "case" statement in question which reads "Ignore binary string identifier. PHP strings are binary-safe", but even after reading quite a bit of the surrounding code, I fail to understand what is meant by that comment.

It means that PHP doesn't care if a string contains NULLs, so we are just discarding the ~ when it is part of the literal8 construction (since a NULL is treated as a single-byte character for PHP string processing).

RFC 6855 support is irrelevant here - literal8 is defined by BINARY so this can be tested on a server that supports BINARY. Thus, if you have a fix Jan you don't need access to a UTF-8 server to properly test.

Okay, and when is BINARY used, so I have a use case where ~ *does* indicate binary strings? Any binary attachment?

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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