Quoting j...@causaartium.org:

Hello! I've just moved our web site's email to server-hosted cpanel on

Generally working well, but a few questions:

1) When I use "reply to all," it adds MY OWN e-mail to the "cc:" line. Note
that SquirrelMail does that, too, but RoundCube does not.

Do you have your identity configured in prefs? You may need to "show advanced prefs" and add the appropriate email addresses to the "Reply-To", "alias" and/or "Addresses to explicitly tie to this identity" fields.

2) Can I change the universal font/font size?

You would have to create your own theme.

3) Can I change the columns, the order of the columns, the width of the

It depends. Most of that *should* be changeable via CSS in a custom theme but there are probably some places (like the dynamic view of Kronolith for example) where changing the layout drastically might break some UI functionality.

4) As the option for the number of messages on the screen says "basic view
only," I conclude that, for some reason, we can't limit that to the number
of messages that fits on the screen if we /don't/ use basic view?

No, because this doesn't really make any sense for a ajax view. There is no need to "page" the messages when the messages are loaded dynamically on a single html page.

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