Michael J Rubinsky <mrubi...@horde.org> a écrit :

Quoting Eric <e...@fayolle.info>:


I've a problem when I want to add an attachment to an email in dynamic
(usual interface than we use).
When I add a file it's stay at uploading.

It work on smartphone and basic view.

Any idea about the problem or what log I can find the error ?

Check the browser's javascript console for errors, use something like
Firebug to view the ajax request for errors, check the horde and/or
webserver logs...

The Horde Project

Hi Michael,

Problem solved, didn"t tough at the javascript console, was looking every
logs only.
So the the problem was on my apache conf I've add last week some line about

Header always set X-Frame-Options DENY
I've correct it to
Header always set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN

Many thanks -
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