Hi, some of our users are using the "Use Virtual Trash" setting in IMP's "Deleting and Moving Messages" section and have had trouble using it effectively. Now I wonder how that virtual trash folder is supposed to work.
When using that setting, messaged marked as deleted are shown in the Virtual Trash folder and not in the regular folder, e.g. Inbox. So far, so good. However, how is one supposed to permanently delete messages with this setting turned on? The "Purge Deleted" entry is not shown in the "Other" menu where it is normally located when there is no trash folder. Also, the Virtual Trash folder has got no context menu which would allow one to "Empty" it like one would do with the "normal" trash folder. In fact, unless I'm mistaken, there seems to be code to forbid emptying the virtual trash folder (around line 290 of imp/lib/Mailbox.php). So how is this intended to work? At the moment, as far as I could see, the only way to permanently delete messages with the Virtual Trash folder turned on is to turn it off. Is it a bug that the "Purge deleted" item is missing when the Virtual Trash function is turned on? Or should there be a context menu that allows one to empty the virtual trash? From a user's perspective, I'd think the latter is more intuitive (when having a Trash folder at all, I would like to be able to empty it), but then it's probably rather difficult to implement since the Virtual Trash seems to be a search for all messages marked as deleted, and in order to permanently delete them all, all folders that contain at least one deleted message would have to be expunged. Jens
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