Hi all,

I tried to use Hotmail to send email with multiple language subject &
content (测试 測試 test テスト), Hotmail use "GB2312" to send this email
instead of UTF-8, and then I use Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version
5.2.6 to read email, the display will be "测试 ?y? test テスト"
(http://t.nethub.com.hk/horde/horde_groupware_webmail_526.png), even I click
the button "Text" (with title="View Text"), I still cannot read the
character properly

Yeah, I know this is definitely the problem of Hotmail, however please keep

I also use Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version 1.2.9 to read email, the
result is same
(http://t.nethub.com.hk/horde/horde_groupware_webmail_129.png), but if I
click button "Show this HTML in a new window?" , I can read all characters
properly (http://t.nethub.com.hk/horde/horde_groupware_webmail_129_html.png) .

I know this isn't Horde's fault because Hotmail should use UTF-8 rather than
GB2312 . However I am thinking that old version of Horde can do that,
whether new version of Horde can also do this incredible handling?

Below are the versions & email source that I tested:

Email source: http://t.nethub.com.hk/horde/test.txt
Groupware Webmail Edition version 5.2.6
Horde 5.2.5
Imp [Mail]: H5 (6.2.8)

Groupware Webmail Edition version 1.2.9
Horde: 3.3.11
Imp: H3 (4.3.9) 
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