Thanks for the pointer Michael,

running a phpinfo() in the php shell from the horde admin gives me this output in the variables:

_SERVER["HTTPS"]      on
_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]    nginx/1.9.1

so I would assume "on" IS indeed "non-empty", or am I mistaken here? I tried hardcoding setting any other textstring, but then firefox is starting to complain that part of the website isnt secure, so it seems the browser even looks for more then just "non-empty" but to be "on".

The article you linked mentioned some old and now removed http_server_vars and these are of course gone because my php version is already 5.5. It seems a bit far fetched, but it sounds like my imp version is still checking on that ancient var maybe instead of the new one? Can you point me to the file in horde where these checks are done and I have a look myself?


Quoting Michael M Slusarz <>:

Quoting Markus Turba <>:

Whenever I try to sent an email with any s/mime or pgp action enabled I get the error message that this service needs a secure web connection. Now the irritating part of this is the fact that I am of course using a secured browser session via https, so I am a bit clueless what that error message actually means. This worked at some point in the past, because I have horde now running for a few years and at some point activated both s/mime and pgp support, configured and tested it, but afterwards rarely used it. So while it was working in the past it is now not working at all, no matter what browser I try or which encryption/signing option I test. It is always the same:

1) after hitting "send" I get the yellow "Enter your personal ... passphrase" 2) after entereing that and hitting OK I get the following errir in a red box in lower right corner.

"The encryption features require a secure web connection."

Your PHP appears to be broken.

The check done internally is for $_SERVER['https'] to be non-empty:

You will need to figure out why your installation is different.


Michael Slusarz []

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