Using the latest stable version of IMP (6.2.8), I'm experiencing several problems when using the "Redirect" function.
If I use the "Mobile (Smartphone/Tablet)" mode, open up a message and click on More / Redirect, I'm able to enter an address to which the message should be redirected. However, when I hit "Send Message", this view just closes and the message that I tried to redirect is displayed again. There is no indication in the GUI that there has been trouble redirecting the message, but in fact the message isn't redirected. In Horde's log file, there is a line WARN: HORDE [imp] PHP ERROR: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [pid 21140 on line 2392 of "[...]/imp/lib/Compose.php"] This only happens when *redirecting* from Mobile mode. Doing a "regular" forward from Mobile mode is fine. Similar trouble exists when using the "Basic" mode. When trying to redirect a message in basic mode and entering just one recipient, a Javascript alert appears which says "You must specify a recipient." This does not happen if I press the comma key after the first e-mail address (i.e. a little frame is put around the address and I can add another), so the problem here seems to be that the text entered into the "To" field is not checked the way it is when forwarding a message from basic mode. When forwarding a message in basic mode, I can see a little frame appearing around the (only) address in the "To" field after I hit the "Send" button but before the window closes and the message is actually forwarded. Also, hitting the "Cancel" button in the redirect window doesn't work in Basic mode. Are these problems actually bugs in IMP or is there something else wrong with our setup which may be causing this? We've turned on Javascipt and CSS caching in Horde recently, so I thought this might be the cause. But then, the trouble persists even after clearing the browser's cache or when using another browser. However, maybe I should also mention that when forwarding or redirecting mail, I always typed in addresses which were not in the address book. Otherwise, the "missing frame around the e-mail address" problem would probably not appear. Jens
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