Hello Michael,
Thank you for your hint.
After refreshing und dis-/reconnect all devices the 2nd Error is solved.
How can I solve my 1st Error?
PHP ERROR: Argument 2 passed to
Horde_ActiveSync_State_Sql::updateState() must be of the type array,
null given, called in
/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Connector/Exporter.php on line 289 and
defined [pid 32183 on line 384 of
Best regards from Vienna
Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubi...@horde.org>:
Quoting Wilhelm-Wolfgang Strapetz <ww.strap...@art4us.at>:
I am new at the list ... and i have some problems after updating my
whezzy to jessie debian system.
First of all -
My syslog and log shows me sometime this message:
HORDE: PHP ERROR: Argument 2 passed to
Horde_ActiveSync_State_Sql::updateState() must be of the type
array, null given, called in
/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Connector/Exporter.php on line 289
and defined [pid 11737 on line 384 of
Each seconds (sometime twice) i got this message:
HORDE: PHP ERROR: Erroneous data format for unserializing
'Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Collection' [pid 16374 on line 261 of
If anybody has an idea ...
Thank you.
Best regards from Vienna
Sounds like something got screwed up with the ActiveSync state
table. You may need to recreate the sync accounts on the clients, or
at the very least try removing the state from the affected devices.
The Horde Project
Wilhelm-Wolfgang Strapetz
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