Quoting Joao S Veiga <jsve...@rf.com.br>:

I've migrated our webmail server from OpenWebmail to Horde/Imp a week ago, but before that when testing, I noticed the controversial issue regarding the "correct" place to insert mail signatures. In real life, users want to "top post" replies and forwards, and want their signatures right below their typing. If that's "right" or "wrong" according to the RFC or the Bible, it doesn't matter. It's a de facto standard, and users want it.

Oh joy.  This conversation again :)

But to prevent FUD, I just wanted to point out that what you write is a *blatantly* incorrect statement. And that's not my opinion (well, it is... but I'm not the only one who believes it).

Two super quick examples... in Thunderbird, the config option explicitly says "Place my signature... below the quote (recommended)". And Gmail puts signatures at the bottom of the message by default.


Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]

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