Quoting Kristers Zariņš <sharrpeni...@gmail.com>:

class Horde_Imap_Client_Socket has this method defined:

protected function _append(Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $data,

However, it doesn't give any hints about how to structure $data and what
are $options. Can somebody give a short example how to save message in
"Drafts" mailbox?

You are better off looking at the base class for the phpdoc of the Horde_Imap_Client_Base::append() method. This tells you exactly what data structure $data is.

I need to set fields like "from", "cc", "bcc" and attachments.

You don't "set" these values with append. This method is for adding a complete message to the specified mailbox. I.e., you provide the full string (or stream) representation of the email message. If you need to build a message or add/alter some of the message headers, you should use the Horde_Mime package to perform this.

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