On 04/08/15 14:25, Arjen de Korte wrote:
Citeren bra <b...@fsn.hu>:
Is there a way how to make basic view permanent? In IMP5 there was
special setting allowing to disable dynamic capabilities.
Horde: $conf['user']['force_view']
this will make changes global, not user-specific, am I right?
Not necessarily. A configuration value can be set via any valid PHP
expression, including the ability to write code to conditionally set
this based on the current Horde user, if desired.
Could you please post an example of this? (how to access the current
authenticated user ID from conf.php)
You don't. That's what hooks are for. Have a look inside the example
'hooks.php.dist' that lives in the same directory as your main
conf.php file (horde/config/hooks.php.dist).
How do I set $conf['user']['force_view'] from that?
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