> On 2015-04-03, at 16:20 , Michael M Slusarz <slus...@horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Registration <registrat...@portabile.net>:
>>> On 2015-03-30, at 23:21 , Registration <registrat...@portabile.net> wrote:
>>>> On 2014-10-29, at 17:45 , Registration <registrat...@portabile.net> wrote:
>>>>> On 2015-03-29, at 14:10 , Arjen de Korte <arjen+ho...@de-korte.org> wrote:
>>>>> Citeren Registration <registrat...@portabile.net>:
>>>>>> Dear Imp users and developers,
>>>>>> my problem is as follows:
>>>>>> - Login to Horde takes 3 seconds.
>>>>>> - Loading mails takes 7 seconds for a larger IMAP folder, and 1-2 
>>>>>> seconds for one with only a few messages in it.
>>>>>> - Top shows 97% CPU from php5-fpm, 3% from imap.
>>>>> That means that performance problems are probably in php. Do you use an 
>>>>> php opcode cache / accelerator? If so, which one?
>>>> XCache 2.0.0
>>>>>> - When messages are cached, everything gets super fast.
>>>>>> - The loading times are probably proportional to the amount of message 
>>>>>> headers Imp loads for viewing.
>>>>>> My questions are:
>>>>>> - Is this normal speed?
>>>>> It depends. How large is a large IMAP folder? How many folders do you 
>>>>> have?
>>>> I think that Imp caches something a few dozen messages around the 
>>>> currently displayed ones.
>>>> So the IMAP folder size is not important, just that there are more than a 
>>>> few:
>>>> For example, an inbox with 10 messages is loaded in a second, a view of a 
>>>> folder with 900 messages
>>>> takes 6-8 seconds, and also 6-8 seconds for a folder with 20000 messages.
>>>>>> - If not, how would I systematically search for the problem?
>>>>>> - I tried xhprof, but I can't get the part where Imp refreshes messages 
>>>>>> captured.
>>>>>> My config:
>>>>>> - Debian Wheezy, Apache, php5-fpm, Dovecot, imapproxy
>>>>> Without version numbers, there is no way for us to tell what you're 
>>>>> actually using.
>>>> Kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64, Apache 2.2.22, PHP 5.4.39-0+deb7u1, Zend 2.4.0, 
>>>> XCache 2.0.0, Dovecot 2.1.7
>>>>>> - Auth using Imp using MySQL/PDO connection via sockets
>>>>>> - Dovecot using Maildir, PAM disabled, mysql auth only
>>>>>> - Horde caching enabled
>>>>> Which cache backend?
>>>>>> - everything on one host
>>>>> If everything is on the same host, imapproxy is redundant an may even 
>>>>> hurt performance if you have a modern IMAP server like Dovecot.
>>>> Ok, disconnected and purged it, no visible difference.
>>>>>> - standard rented server
>>>>> I wonder what the specifications of a 'standard rented server' are. :-)
>>>> AMD Opteron 6272, 2 GB RAM, 100 GB SSD - not high end, but not stone-age 
>>>> either, I think
>>>>>> - everything up-to-date
>>>>> What may be up-to-date on Debian Wheezy may still be seriously 
>>>>> out-of-date.
>>>> I know, but no testing builds for me anymore...
>>> I did a performance test using 
>>> http://www.php-benchmark-script.com/bench.php, which resulted in ~7 seconds 
>>> for my server, same time as the test on the benchmarks webpage.
>>> The only thing I could find which could be related to this is the 
>>> Horde-specific message:
>>> FastCGI: server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi" stderr: PHP message: Cannot 
>>> write Autoloader cache to backend.
>>> I tried setting proper path permissions, but no success, the error doesn't 
>>> go away.
>> I managed to get the folder view loading time down to four seconds for a 
>> larger IMAP folder  (>1k files) like "sent" or "archive".
>> Could anyone tell me how long it takes to display a folder on their server? 
>> I don't have access to a second horde installation.
> My 12,000 message Trash folder takes around ~2 seconds to load the initial 
> view.
> Understand that this kind of operation (message list) is almost certainly a 
> bottleneck at the IMAP level, rather than the PHP level.  Your performance is 
> going to be pretty bad on large mailboxes unless using a caching IMAP server 
> or caching on the Horde side (or both).
> michael
> ___________________________________
> Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]
> -- 
> imp mailing list
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Thanks, that's some info I needed! So at least, it isn't orders of magnitude 
slower than other installations...

I have caching, it displays messages immediately, but it only caches per 
I have these options related to caching:

'cache' => 'hashtable',

$conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
$conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 86400;
$conf['cache']['params']['dir'] = '/tmp/horde';
$conf['cache']['params']['sub'] = 0;
$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'File';
$conf['cache']['use_memorycache'] = 'Xcache';
$conf['imap']['cache_folders'] = true;
$conf['hashtable']['params']['hostspec'] = array('');
$conf['hashtable']['params']['port'] = array('11211');
$conf['hashtable']['params']['weight'] = array();
$conf['hashtable']['params']['persistent'] = true;
$conf['hashtable']['params']['compression'] = false;
$conf['hashtable']['params']['large_items'] = true;
$conf['hashtable']['driver'] = 'Memcache';
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