Dear List,

I have recently installed latest stable version of HGWE and testing it.

Autocomplete is not working for one of the attribute which I have mentioned in search under LDAP.

for IMP, prefs.local.php, I have set

$_prefs['search_sources']['hook'] = true;
$_prefs['search_fields']['hook'] = true;
$_prefs['add_source']['hook'] = true;

enabled the hooks in imp/hooks.local.php

for turba,

turba/attributes.local.php (the file contains additional attribute, which is refereed in LDAP)

$attributes['staffno'] = array(
    'label' => _("StaffNumber"),
    'type' => 'text',
    'required' => false,
    'params' => array('regex' => '', 'size' => 32, 'maxlength' => 32)

$attributes['postalAddress'] = array(
    'label' => _("Postal Address"),
    'type' => 'text',
    'required' => false,

$attributes['cn'] = array(
    'label' => _("Complete Name"),
    'type' => 'text',
    'required' => false,


$cfgSources['localsql']['title'] = 'My Address Book';
$cfgSources['localsql']['use_shares'] = false;
$cfgSources['localldap']['disabled'] = false;
$cfgSources['localldap']['title'] = 'LDAP Directory';
$cfgSources['localldap']['params']['server'] = 'xxx.xx.x.xx';
$cfgSources['localldap']['params']['root'] = 'dc=xxxx,dc=xxx';
$cfgSources['localldap']['params']['bind_dn'] = 'cn=Manager,dc=xxx';
$cfgSources['localldap']['params']['bind_password'] = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
$cfgSources['localldap']['params']['limit'] = 20;
$cfgSources['localldap']['params']['scope'] = 'sub';
$cfgSources['localldap']['map'] = array(
        '__key' => 'dn',
        '__uid' => 'mailacceptinggeneralid',
        'staffno' => 'staffnumber',
        'postalAddress' => 'postalAddress',
        'cn' => 'cn',
        'name' => array('fields' => array('cn', 'postalAddress'),
                        'format' => '%s %s',
                        'parse' => array(
                            array('fields' => array('cn'),
                                  'format' => '%s' ),
                            array('fields' => array('cn', 'postalAddress'),
                                  'format' => '%s', '%s' ))),
        'email' => 'mail',
        'freebusyUrl' => 'uid'
$cfgSources['localldap']['search'] =  array('staffno','name','email');
$cfgSources['localldap']['export'] =  false;
$cfgSources['localldap']['browse'] =  false;


$prefGroups['addressbooks']['suppress'] = true;
$prefGroups['sync']['suppress'] = true;
$prefGroups['columns']['suppress'] = true;
$_prefs['default_dir']['locked'] = true;
$_prefs['default_dir']['value'] = 'localsql';
$_prefs['columns']['locked'] = true;
$_prefs['columns']['value']= "localsql\temail\nlocalldap\temail\tstaffno\nfavourites\temail";

With these settings, if I try to autocomplete on staff number, it does not work. While on name and email it works. How to debug?

     सादर धन्यवाद/ Thanks & Regards
          अनंत / Anant
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