Zitat von Frank Sikora <frank.sik...@capfields.com>:
Hello List,
I've got two instances of Horde/Webmail edition (5.0.4) installed on
two distinct servers, both of them connecting to the same IMAP
server for mail management via IMP.
Everything worked fine for a (long) while till last week: one of my
2 instances generates an error each time I try to access IMP (other
Horde applications still work well).
When clicking on IMP menu, I get the following error message:
Erreur IMAP sur le serveur.
1. Horde_Registry::appInit()
2. Horde_Registry->pushApp()
3. Horde_Core_LoginTasks->runTasks()
4. Horde_LoginTasks->runTasks()
5. IMP_LoginTasks_SystemTask_GarbageCollection->execute()
6. Horde_Injector->getInstance()
7. Horde_Injector->createInstance()
8. Horde_Injector_Binder_Factory->create()
9. IMP_Factory_Imaptree->create()
10. IMP_Imap_Tree->__construct()
11. IMP_Imap_Tree->init()
12. IMP_Imap_Tree->_getList()
13. IMP_Imap->listMailboxes()
14. IMP_Imap->__call()
15. Horde_Registry::appInit()
16. Horde_Registry->pushApp()
17. Horde_Core_LoginTasks->runTasks()
18. Horde_LoginTasks->runTasks()
19. IMP_LoginTasks_SystemTask_GarbageCollection->execute()
20. Horde_Injector->getInstance()
21. Horde_Injector->createInstance()
22. Horde_Injector_Binder_Factory->create()
23. IMP_Factory_Imaptree->create()
24. IMP_Imap_Tree->__construct()
25. IMP_Imap_Tree->init()
26. IMP_Imap_Tree->_getList()
27. IMP_Imap->listMailboxes()
28. IMP_Imap->__call()
29. call_user_func_array()
30. Horde_Imap_Client_Base->listMailboxes()
31. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_listMailboxes()
32. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_getMailboxList()
33. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_listMailboxes()
34. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_getMailboxList()
35. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_sendLine()
36. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_getLine()
In IMP.log file, I have the error lines:
2015-03-22T17:33:24+00:00 ERR: HORDE [imp] Erreur IMAP sur le
serveur. expected end of data [pid 6778 on line 412 of
2015-03-22T17:40:55+00:00 ERR: HORDE [imp] Erreur IMAP sur le
serveur. expected end of data [pid 17195 on line 412 of
By adding some traces in Imap.php at line 412, it seems that dynamic
call to method 'islistMailboxes' is generating the error.
Any idea on what could be the origin of this error? My other
instance of Horde works fine. Of course I didn't apply any change to
the Horde repository and files.
CapFields (Luxembourg) s.a
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Enable debug imap logging in backends.local.php.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project
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