On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Jens Grüntjes wrote:
I'm not sure if if I got your point. In my case the auto-completion in IMP takes addresses from my address book and from "Favourite Recipients". The addresses from the latter ones are displayed as "user.n...@domain.com" in the drop-down and in the To:-field. The recipients from my address book are displayed as "User Name <user.n...@domain.com>" in the drop-down and as "User Name" in the To:-Field.

Almost the same as me, except when IMP recognises the email address as valid and it gets put into a white box with an 'x' on the side to delete it, within that white box is where I'm getting inconsistent results. For some users (in the same LDAP directory) it shows how I would expect ("User Name"), but for others it shows as "User Name <user.n...@mydomain.com>".

The email addresses in my LDAP database are stored in the same field and are of the same format (usern...@domain.com).


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