Zitat von Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruent...@ebira.de>:
Zitat von Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org>:
Zitat von Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruent...@ebira.de>:
I have two different mail addresses, let's say j...@domain.com and
j...@otherdomain.org. Furthermore I have created six different
identities, four of which are connected to the first address
(let's call them A, B, C, D), two or which are connected to the
second one (E, F). The letters A-F stand for the identities in the
drop-down menu in the "Compose New mail"-window in the order in
which they appear.
When I reply to a mail which is sent to j...@domain.com I would
like to configure IMP as to to identity D as default. IMP now
always uses identity A in the reply. I know that I can tie
particular sender-addresses to an identity so that every mail from
this address is replied from the chosen identity but that's not
what I want.
Can I change the order of the identities so that identity D comes
first in the list? It looks to me as if the first identity is
always the default. For the address j...@otherdomain.org IMP
always uses identity E which in my case is a reasonable default.
Thanks for any help
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You can set identity A as your default identity. This would be used
when composing new messages too then though.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that E is my default identity and
connected with the address j...@otherdomain.org (which ist my
address for company "otherdomain"). I use identity D for mails for
my company "domain" so that I would like to reply to mails addressed
to j...@domain.com with identity D instead of A (which I only use
for private mails).
But I think the only possibility to get what I want is to delete the
identities A-C so that D is on top of the list. After that I would
have to re-create the identities A-C. Can I do that directly in the
database? If yes my next question would be "how?" or "where can I
find a hint?"
No, you cannot because the identities are stored serialized in a single field.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project
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