On 02/09/2015 01:43 PM, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slus...@horde.org>:
Quoting Andy Dorman <ador...@ironicdesign.com>:
On 02/09/2015 10:18 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
Quoting Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org>:
Zitat von Andy Dorman <ador...@ironicdesign.com>:
On 02/09/2015 08:26 AM, Andy Dorman wrote:
C: 6 LIST () "" (INBOX * "Other Users/*""" "Shared Folders/*""")
S: 6 BAD Invalid syntax in List command
I have found the problem...not sure of the fix yet.
The problem is that the LIST command needs a space between the
mailbox name and the reference name "pattern".
For example, this LIST command works fine while the original above
does not and the only difference is the space after the mailbox name:
LIST () "" (INBOX * "Other Users/*" "" "Shared Folders/*" "") RETURN
I have not yet looked at the code where the command is being
Andy Dorman
imp mailing list
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I'm pretty sure this has once been reported elsewhere (ticket tracker
or mailing list) but couldn't be reproduced. Please search for the
original report.
Maybe https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13825
Right, I remember seeing the original issue but did not follow up as
it involved active sync.
However, in reading the bug report it looks like the same issue. The
addition of the empty reference name pattern "" without the
delimiting space between it and the mailbox name appears to be the
I will add my debug log output and the results of manual testing with
Cyrus to the bug report.
My shot-in-the-dark guess is that this PHP fix is broken (would
explain why 5.5.21 and 5.6.5 break things):
But I'm out of country and won't be able to look at this anytime
soon. The best course of action would be for someone to come up with
a reproducible test case to verify.
Almost positive this is the regression that Jan reported:
People should make noise on that ticket to get this fixed.
Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]
I voted for it...did not know enough to make an intelligent
comment...but I voted for it and sent the link to several users of our
webmail system to vote for it.
Hopefully others on this list will as well since it is a show stopper
for Horde Imp with the latest PHP 5.5.21 & 5.6.5.
Andy Dorman
imp mailing list
Frequently Asked Questions: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ
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