Hello. We have horde from version 4 and we are fully satisfied with it.
Great and usefull platform!

 Recently, since the upgrade from 5.1.3 to 5.2.4 version, we see a problem
with imp module:
When we compose or reply a mail, if we press TO or CC links to open the
addressbook, a popup opens showing the **main mail page** instead **address
This problem did not happen in my previous version.

Now, I was watching the function *openAddressBook* in
*/imp/js/compose-dimp.js* and could see the *uri* variable (destination url
of the link) is ok: */IMP/BASIC.PHP?page=contacts&u=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*
(addressbook page)
But instead that, it really jumps to
*/IMP/DYNAMIC.PHP?page=mailbox#mbox:xxxxxxx* page (main mail page!)

This problem is **only** on **dynamic** mode. If I login in basic mode, all
is ok.
Is there any validation that redirects that url because some error

Maybe some new params of imp or turba modules that did not upgrade in my
conf files?
Any help?

Thank you in advance and best regards
Antes de imprimir este correo, piense bien si es necesario hacerlo.
El medio ambiente es un problema de todos.
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