Hi Andreas

We have also seen this, but only on our really slow test server. I have
not investigated yet but maybe the PHP script timeout is set too low?

No, this is something I checked before reporting it here of course. :) I use imapproxy, but it is not that it loads forever, it just says "message folder empty". if I browse to another folder and immediately browse back to the large one, I see all messages. The whole process from login lasted less than 20 seconds.

There is a setting in IMP if the newest unread message is displayed
first or the oldest unread. This should do the trick, no?

OK, thanks. That would be:

$_prefs['mailbox_start']['value'] = IMP::MAILBOX_START_LASTUNSEEN;

Just tried it and it works perfectly. And to my surprise, the mentioned "1. Apparently empty large folders" is gone now. So this is also a candidate for a good default setting. :-)

I also somewhat dislike it also but the mail address after all is only
routing information, the "real" name is the person we known about. This
is what most users like to known. With mouse-over you should actually
see the mail address.

I don't agree. For me it is very important to see the email address. One reason is that we don't allow our own domain as sender address originating from external hosts (postfix: reject_sender_login_mismatch), thus it is a huge difference if I see something like 'My boss <f...@free.host>' or 'My boss <ceo@my.domain>'. Unfortunately, now in IMP I see 'My boss' in both cases which is not satisfactory - social engineering. For further reading:


[3. Mail view]
Hmm, the MAILER-DAEMON messages (bounces) actually has the empty sender
address in most cases, so not sure what you like to verify in this case.

No, mailer daemons only have an empty envelope address. The From: address is 'Mail Delivery System <MAILER-DAEMON@host.domain>' and I only see just 'Mail Delivery System' all the time.

It is not just about (rare) non-deliveries, if using DSN notifies for successful submission it perfectly makes sense to see which host is reporting. You can set this in Thunderbird (mail.dsn.always_request_on).

At least it should be *configurable* to show the full From: without any clicks or mouseovers though I think it should also be activated by default. There is also enough space on my screen even in the standard view where From: is right next to the subject so why hiding so much information?

[4. Verifiability]
Might be a option, but if you really need verified email you have to use
S/MIME or PGP. After all you like to know who have sent/created the mail
and not who has delivered it. We got many Spams today with perfect DKIM
signatures, but i don't like my users see this as trustworthy for sure.

Then you can switch it off or I also would be happy if this would be switched off by default, but currently it is not even possible.

I agree not to make users feel a false sense of trust or security and I don't want to discuss S/MIME or PGP here because I consider that as good, but 99 % of my contacts don't have it installed.

Spams with perfect DKIM signatures mostly mean that somebody's account got hacked and I think the right approach is to have a good spam filter. So the user actually won't see such a message in most cases, but for all the hams with valid DKIm signature I want to give them the chance to verify if someone used a faked address or if this is unlikely to be faked even without cryptographic authenticity. You are free to have it disabled, of course, but I would use it. :-)

Similar for the date, most mail clients show the Date: header which perfectly can be faked, but I display and sort by the Received: date which is easy to configure - at least in Thunderbird (in IMP this should already be the case with 'sortdate').

Best, Daniel

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