
we have just upgraded our webmail with about 40000 users from Horde Webmail 
Edition version 1.2.5 to version 5.2.3. Thx
for a great piece of free software!

Many users are irritated because of the translation of special folders names 
(Sent->"Gesendet", Trash->"Papierkorb",
Drafts->"Entwürfe" - in German localization). Is it possible to deactivate this 
"feature"? We know it is a usual
behaviour. (Thunderbird, Outlook), but it is hard to support for us.

I only found out, that it was introduced a long time ago 
(http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7545), but not if you can use
still the original folder names.


Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.3
gollem 'H5 (3.0.3)';
horde '5.2.2';
imp 'H5 (6.2.3)';
ingo 'H5 (3.2.2)';
kronolith 'H5 (4.2.3)';
mnemo 'H5 (4.2.2)';
nag 'H5 (4.2.3)';
trean 'H5 (1.1.1)';
turba 'H5 (4.2.3)';

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