Quoting Brent <impu...@bitrealm.com>:

imp                       6.2.3
horde                   5.2.2
Horde_ActiveSync          2.20.0

This use to work, I notice now it doesn't if using an iPhone to connect via
Active Sync, if you swipe left, choose "More", then choose "Move to Junk",
the message goes away from the display, but it isn't actually moved. 
Hitting the "Spam" button using horde via the Web works, of course.

When I do this, my "inbox" at the top then changes to some strange code
like:  70FB9178-576E-4CAA-....  I have to go back to Mailboxes, then back
to Inbox.

Choosing to just "Trash" the message works.


ActiveSync doesn't natively support a "Junk" folder. What iOS, and some other clients, do is to either look for a folder named "Junk" or "Junk Email", create one if not found, and use that for Junk email. What I suspect has happened is that maybe you have either deleted/renamed/unsubscribed from the folder that iOS has mapped as junk. Either way, not a Horde issue but rather a client issue.

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