My original message was:


Hope I've posted in the right place

I am using IMP H3 (4.3.9) running on Parallels Plesk.

Its been up and running without problem for about 6 months. with hundreds
of email sent and received per week.

All of a sudden the user reported that whenever they do something such as
open an email. compose an email or select an email to move it then they get
logged out.

Has anyone experienced this before? Anyone got a solution?

Thanks in advance



My follow up is:



I think I've fixed this.
I had a chron job that deleted all the session variables from the
/var/lib/php/session folder
I changed the chron job to run once every 60minutes and email seems back to
Anyone got any experience could you tell me if this is too short an


On 27 March 2014 20:59, Michael Ruddock <> wrote:

> Hello
> Hope I've posted in the right place
> I am using IMP H3 (4.3.9) running on Parallels Plesk.
> Its been up and running without problem for about 6 months. with hundreds
> of email sent and received per week.
> All of a sudden the user reported that whenever they do something such as
> open an email. compose an email or select an email to move it then they get
> logged out.
> Has anyone experienced this before? Anyone got a solution?
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers
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