Please keep replies on the list.
Quoting Jasper Olbrich <>:
Am 31.03.2014 05:24, schrieb Michael M Slusarz:
Quoting Jasper Olbrich <>:
1: Where can I find the code that decides which attachments are
hyperlinked after uploading and which are not? What is the rationale
for the current behavior?
mime_drivers.php. A link will only exist if a MIME viewer is present
for the MIME type of that attachment. (It is possible that the browser
has provided no indication of the MIME type, and the MIME magic code
can't auto-determine, in which case the attachment will not be viewable).
Thanks for the reply,
am I getting this right, IMP will create a link if and only if it
thinks that it is able to create something that is directly viewable
in the (target?) browser? Because on my current setup (Ubuntu 13.10,
Firefox 27.0.1) I get
a) an exception for mp3 files (A fatal error has occurred; Could not
display attachment data.)
Works for me (my browser has a media player plugin installed, so that
is what is "displaying" the data when I click on the link).
b) corrupted display for ods files (page source starts with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Works for me also.
2: If I click on the link to a viewable attachment, it is sent with
Content-Dispostition: inline, which leads to unexpected behavior
I can't reproduce this. At least with an image attachment.
With "unexpected behavior" I was referring to the fact that
"Content-Disposition: inline" is used in the first place. For images
I get:
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="image.jpeg"
I can't reproduce then. If viewing the message after attaching, and
then send, I see:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="image.jpeg"
I am using IMP 6.2, so maybe these were all issues that were fixed
since IMP 6.1. Although I have no recollection of any of these being
problems, so that's not very likely.
Michael Slusarz []
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