On 31/03/14 16:19, R Phillips wrote:
> On 31/03/14 04:20, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
>> Quoting R Phillips <r.i.phill...@bath.ac.uk>:
>>> On 26/03/14 11:29, R Phillips wrote:
>>>> On 26/03/14 03:41, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
>>>>> Quoting R Phillips <r.i.phill...@bath.ac.uk>:
>>>>>> I've upgraded to the latest horde groupware webmail version but I'm
>>>>>> having some troubles with the styles.
>>>>>> Since the last update from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4 my left hand menu
>>>>>> overlaps the
>>>>>> content.
>>>>>> It would seem that the sidebar is missing it's width value eg from:
>>>>>> <div style="left:210px" class="horde-splitbar-vert"
>>>>>> id="horde-slideleft">
>>>>>> to:
>>>>>> <div style="left:px" class="horde-splitbar-vert" id="horde-slideleft">
>>>>> Width is defined by horde's 'sidebar_width' preference value.
>>>>> michael
>>>>> ___________________________________
>>>>> Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]
>>>> I can't quite work out what is going wrong with my install, imp sets it
>>>> at 150, turba doesn't set it at all and overlaps the content window, and
>>>> horde appears to ignore the sidebar_width setting as it makes no
>>>> difference.  I was wondering if this is set by javascript instead, I can
>>>> see the resize events, but not the setting to 150.  The turba menu
>>>> cannot be stretched/resized, but this wasn't possible in 5.1.3 either.
>>>> horde/config/prefs.local.php setting (large for testing):
>>>> $_prefs['sidebar_width']['value'] = 350;
>>>> echoing the Horde_View_Sidebar Object indicates $this->width is not set
>>>> to any value.
>>>> Horde_View_Sidebar Object
>>>> (
>>>>     [_templatePath:Horde_View_Base:private] => Array
>>>>         (
>>>>             [0] =>
>>>> /www/vhosts/webmail/horde/imp/lib/../../templates/sidebar/
>>>>             [1] => ./
>>>>         )
>>>>     [_file:Horde_View_Base:private] =>
>>>> /www/vhosts/webmail/horde/imp/lib/../../templates/sidebar/sidebar.html.php
>>>>     [_helpers:Horde_View_Base:private] => Array
>>>>         (
>>>> <snip>
>>>>     [containers] => Array
>>>>         (
>>>>         )
>>>>     [width] =>
>>>>     [left] => left:
>>>>     [newLink] => <a id="composelink" class="icon">
>>>>     [newText] => New Message
>>>> <snip>
>>> It's beginning to look like no preferences are being loaded at all
>>> (hence the custom theme not appearing).  What should I expect to see if
>>> I inspect the $GLOBALS['prefs'] in lib/View/Sidebar.php
>>> The array is set, but no sidebar_width there...
>> Something is very wrong with your setup then.  You should check to make
>> sure you haven't overwritten horde/config/prefs.php.
>> michael
>> ___________________________________
>> Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]
> As much as I would like to be able to suggest that whatever it was that
> went wrong wasn't my fault... I can't.  A clean install does rectify the
> situation.  I will re-add the customisations one-by-one and find out
> what exactly caused this to go wrong, the other issue with the portal
> appears resolved now and it's applying the styles correctly.  Sorry all.

Well I found out what I did to re-create this.  I started off on my
customisations all over again in an attempt to set up a "standard"
portal and lock it down.  I chmod 000
horde/config/prefs.d/10-webmail.php  and it all goes strange...

So that was what caused it.  Better to get rid of the file than attempt
to make it un-readable...

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