Zitat von Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org>:
Hallo Jan,
mysql> SELECT * FROM `horde_prefs` WHERE pref_name like '%cert%';
Empty set (0.00 sec)
I assume that other preferences works fine? Obviously your
preference backend doesn't report any errors back when storing the
certs, so you need to debug those to find out what happened.
Yep, all other prefs do work fine.
I'm using MySQL 5.5.31 (Debian Wheezy) and "MySQL/PDO" with
persistent connections via UNIX Sockets as SQL backend in Horde.
$conf[prefs][maxsize] is unset.
Shouldn't the INSERT-statement where Horde tries to store the
certificate into the database be part of the DEBUG output, too?
Theoretically, yes.
So, why is it missing?
What information do you need to track this issue down?
Anna Christina Naß
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