Hello Rui,

I saw that option and I set it to 'Ask', but it doesn't ask me never if I want 
a Read Request... That's why I'm confused. I don't know if I'm missing 
something or what.

This Read Request is correctly sent when that option is set to 'Always'.

Thank you very much.
Kind regards.

Héctor Moreno

De: rui....@gmail.com [mailto:rui....@gmail.com] En nombre de Rui Carneiro
Enviado el: martes, 12 de marzo de 2013 12:31
Para: Héctor Moreno Blanco
CC: Oscar del Rio; imp@lists.horde.org
Asunto: Re: [imp] request a read receipts: ask

I think Read Receipt is now a global preference on dynamic view.


Although I think it should be implemented the way it was before. Maybe just 
like Héctor said, below the "other options" link.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Héctor Moreno Blanco 
<hmor...@gmv.com<mailto:hmor...@gmv.com>> wrote:
Hello Oscar,

I can see the check box in the basic view, but in dynamic view, when selecting 
other options, there is no option for asking the read receipt, only "save 

Is there any other options I have to enable?

Thank you very much.
Kind regards

Héctor Moreno Blanco

-----Mensaje original-----
De: imp-boun...@lists.horde.org<mailto:imp-boun...@lists.horde.org> 
[mailto:imp-boun...@lists.horde.org<mailto:imp-boun...@lists.horde.org>] En 
nombre de Oscar del Rio
Enviado el: lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013 18:55
Para: imp@lists.horde.org<mailto:imp@lists.horde.org>
Asunto: Re: [imp] request a read receipts: ask

On 03/11/13 11:57 AM, Héctor Moreno Blanco wrote:
> When a user select the option 'Ask' for "Request a read receipt", this
> user doesn't see the option in the compose window in order to select
> whether request a read receipt or not

In Dynamic view: "Other Options" (drop-down) -> "Read Receipt" when composing 
In Basic view, the option is in the main compose window.
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