
Friday, April 27, 2012, 9:33:11 PM, you wrote:

> On 27/04/12 19:20, Vilius Šumskas wrote:
>> Sveiki,
>> Friday, April 27, 2012, 8:33:57 PM, you wrote:
>>>> $_prefs['msgflags'] = array(
>>>>       // 'value' = serialize(array())
>>>>       'value' =>   'a:0:{}'
>>>> );
>>>> As far as i know, you can use your customize theme and amend color whatever
>>>> you want.
>>> The problem is that I'm trying to set a default value for flag colours
>>> for all users and lock it - in prefs.local.php
>>> I've already changed them for individual users through the interface -
>>> and it works - but they only apply to that particular user and the
>>> settings go in the SQL back end. I need a way of specifying defaults in
>>> prefs.local.php - and I can't find the right syntax/format for the array
>>> 'msgflags'.
>> Check SQL backend for 'msgflags' for the particular user where you modified 
>> the flags
>> like   they   should   be.   And   then   copy  paste  that  value  to
>> prefs.local.php.

> As I've mentioned in my original post, I've already looked in the SQL 
> backend. The value is one very long hex number (at least it looks like a
> hex number, it starts with "\x"). Actually, most values in horde_prefs
> seem to be hex numbers (even the ones that have proper human readable 
> correspondents in prefs.local.php) - so I don't think I can just copy 
> them to the prefs.local.php.

Ahh,   yes I've forgot this is changed now. You will have to parse the
value  using  PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL  functions.  For MySQL the value is
just a BLOB field. For PostreSQL I think it is an escaped BYTEA field.

Hopefully someone will write a script for this in the future.

Best regards,

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