On 20/12/11 22:07, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting R Phillips <r.i.phill...@bath.ac.uk>:
>> imp version 5.0.15
>> We had some users mention problems with the drop-down menus ("Reply",
>> "Forward", etc) in the message view of the "Traditional" view in Imp.
>> It's a bit random but it appears to affect Windows 7 users with Internet
>> Explorer 8 the most with their browsers in IE7 compatibility mode
>> (haven't really looked for the header that sets this up at the moment so
>> not sure why this should be).
>> The drop down menu appears to align itself to the right of the parent,
>> and therefore is almost impossible to mouse over easily.
>> A potential fix is to use something like "left: 0;" in
>> horde/imp/themes/default/sceen.css
>> in the .msgactions lu ul {
>> I think this is something to do with triggering IE7 to re-compute it's
>> position, "hasLayout".
>> Can anyone else fill in my knowledge in this area/confirm the issue?
> Finally getting around to this...
> Testing with IE 8 and IMP 5.0.17, I don't see this.
> michael
> ___________________________________
> Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]

I had trouble replicating it too, but can assure you it does exist when
I finally got a combination of IE and Windows it happened to, so it is a
browser rendering issue and nothing to do with Horde/IMP.

I'll use it for a local site work-around, we've had no reports of it
breaking anything else.


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