I tried these -

1. deleted all the records matching user from horde database using shell script 
by Jacques (not the PHP one!!) shown in http://wiki.horde.org/DatabaseCleanup.
    This successfully deleted most of the config. however, the inbox sharing 
(done via mail options) details/ preferences are retained. does it not meant to 
reset that as well? does it mean the clean is not yet complete?

2. deleted cyrus.* for that user and reconstructed the mailbox.

both were executed successfully. Yet, no luck so farr. Still stuck at the same 
Any thoughts?

When I share this inbox with another user it works... i.e., sorting works, 
sidebar shows total/ unread mails in braces, seen mails are marked 
Also, any inbox that works, if shared to this user, it doesn't work. That is, 
sorting doesn't work. doesnt show any details on the sidebar wrt unread/total 
mails! doesnt mark any seen mail as seen.. all are unseen no matter whether 
they are seen or not!

is it possible to have a easy way to reset a user in horde and cyrus as well. I 
am happy to delete all the data for this user and start from scratch!

Any help... thanks in advance

On 14/11/2011, at 10:28 PM, francis picabia wrote:

> For the mail application, I think it is only horde_prefs table.
> It doesn't delete any email. It only deletes preferences
> in the horde application.  I've removed mine entirely and
> I can login and see my email as normal.
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 9:55 AM, nA ni sivAm <getn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> is it possible fo ryou to point out exactly what part of the shell script 
>> actually deletes the mail related data?
>> On 14/11/2011, at 7:11 PM, francis picabia wrote:
>>> Depending on whether the user has important information in the non-email
>>> applications, you may not need to worry.  If the user mainly uses
>>> only the email, deleting all user references in horde will have no impact on
>>> their mail access.  Cyrus has the reconstruct command and it works
>>> well in my experience.  If you had a full disk at the time this user was
>>> modifying email or received email, it might explain the problem in cyrus.
>>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 9:24 AM, nA ni sivAm <getn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sorry about that..... I guess even reply all doesn't include the list!! 
>>>> had to manually include... gotta remember that!!
>>>> anyways....
>>>> will try connecting via thunderbird or so and see if it helps...
>>>> The same inbox when shared works fine with other accounts...
>>>> Jan was pointing out that the imap index could be corrupt as well!!
>>>> I assume (keeping both possibilities in mind) it can be resolved by either 
>>>> deleting all user specific data from horde database (or) rebuiling 
>>>> cyrus.index etc if that is corrupt.
>>>> wrt deleting all user specific data from database, can we use the shell 
>>>> script by Jacques (not the PHP one!!) shown in 
>>>> http://wiki.horde.org/DatabaseCleanup
>>>> I am kinda nervous!!!
>>>> On 14/11/2011, at 6:44 PM, francis picabia wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> You should reply to the list as well.  It first sounded like a problem
>>>>> we've seen here before, but now it sounds worse.  I suggest attempting
>>>>> to connect to the mailbox with a regular IMAP client like Thunderbird
>>>>> and see what happens.  If there is still a problem, then the issue
>>>>> isn't with IMP but with the IMAP server or the particular mailbox
>>>>> within the IMAP server.
>>>>> When the IMP problem shows, the mailbox is fine in other clients, but
>>>>> the message list won't appear in IMP for certain users.  It has
>>>>> nothing to do with quota, and
>>>>> it can impact only certain users, seemingly randomly.  I suspect there
>>>>> are certain email headers for some messages which trigger this problem
>>>>> as using the same IMP for years it only started to appear early this year.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 2:49 AM, nA ni sivAm <getn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Francis...
>>>>>> I tried it, but it didn't work though.... :'(
>>>>>> The exact problem is that only one of the users have this issue. all the 
>>>>>> other 90+ users are fine!!!
>>>>>> Incidentally on that particular day when this problem started for this 
>>>>>> user, the mysql server stopped due to lack of space on the volume!!
>>>>>> I am not sure if that had anything to do with this issue. I am also not 
>>>>>> sure how/ why just that user just got affected.
>>>>>> FYI - That particular user is using well below his quota of mails.
>>>>>> Also, just to point out, the mail/ inbox icon on the sidebar doesn't 
>>>>>> show the total/unread mails - just for this user/account!!
>>>>>> Is there anyway I can delete all the user related data for this user wrt 
>>>>>> horde/imp and start fresh for this userid?
>>>>>> PS: I am actually planning for a total server upgrade which will happen 
>>>>>> by feb-mar 2012, hopefully!!
>>>>>> Thanks for helping me out, nAni.
>>>>>> On 13/11/2011, at 8:10 AM, francis picabia wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 3:38 AM, nA ni sivAm <getn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jean....
>>>>>>>> I guess I am facing similar issue....
>>>>>>>> I am not too sure what records I should delete with respect to 
>>>>>>>> deleting a
>>>>>>>> user's pref in sql database...
>>>>>>>> could you please let me know the sql script you used to get that done?
>>>>>>>> nAni.
>>>>>>>> Jean-Yves Avenard-2 wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>>>>> I have a horde installation which has been working fine for several 
>>>>>>>>> years.
>>>>>>>>> I have one user with over 14,000 emails in his mailbox.
>>>>>>>>>> From time to time, its inbox will show no messages "There are no
>>>>>>>>> messages in this mailbox." but will still report how many newor unread
>>>>>>>>>  messages in this folder.
>>>>>>>>> I usually sort this issue by deleting the user preferences in the SQL
>>>>>>>>> database.
>>>>>>>>> However, today I've been able to always reproduce that issue.
>>>>>>>>> By default, IMP will sort messages by message ID and it will be able
>>>>>>>>> to display all the messages.
>>>>>>>>> However, if the sort order is changed in any ways, IMP will report
>>>>>>>>> "There are no messages in this mailbox." and you can not change the
>>>>>>>>> sorting options anymore and the inbox folder will stay forever empty.
>>>>>>>>> Changing the sorting order in the Options menus have no effect 
>>>>>>>>> whatsoever.
>>>>>>>>> I have allocated 128MB to PHP in php.ini.
>>>>>>>>> I can not see any error messages in any logs.
>>>>>>>>> Any ideas what I could have been missing or what could be done to fix
>>>>>>>>> this issue?
>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>> Jean-Yves
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> IMP mailing list - Join the hunt: http://horde.org/bounties/#imp
>>>>>>>>> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, mail: imp-unsubscr...@lists.horde.org
>>>>>>> This is a known bug with IMP prior to version 5. It relates to a
>>>>>>> library they use to implement IMAP outside of the IMP project.  In
>>>>>>> version 5 IMP it is rewritten to not depend on the outside library.
>>>>>>> Here is a workaround solution which worked for us with older IMP
>>>>>>> version installed:
>>>>>>> User must login using dynamic mode.  Click on the column title (I
>>>>>>> think it shows #) to cause the inbox to sort by the message number
>>>>>>> (starts at 1).  This is roughly the same as by date.  Logout and login
>>>>>>> again with traditional view.  Now all messages should show up, but
>>>>>>> user should not attempt to re-sort by anything unless the user wants
>>>>>>> to clean out their mailbox first.
>>>>>>> A better solution is to plan for IMP 5 upgrade, or provide an
>>>>>>> alternate solution like roundcube until you are ready to upgrade to
>>>>>>> IMP 5 (e.g. basic Roundcube install and configure is very quick)
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> IMP mailing list
>>>>>>> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
>>>>>>> To unsubscribe, mail: imp-unsubscr...@lists.horde.org

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