Hi Micheal,

You said: "There's most likely other changes in IMP_Ajax_Application that also affect this behavior then."

The thing is, I searched my whole system and cannot find a file called IMP_Ajax_Application. I saw that it was referenced in /var/www/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php... so I expected to find it under /usr/share/php/Horde somewhere... but I don't. And... I couldn't find anything on the git web page either.

Can you clarify a bit more?


However, a bunch has changed since 5.0.13.  My guess is that unless
you apply every patch since the last version has released (up-to-date
patch can be retrieved from the base of a horde git checkout by using
this command: git diff imp-5.0.13.. imp/), you might have issues.
This current issue relates back to a much larger issue regarding both
suhosin and IE9 javascript null character handling, so a bunch of code
has been changed in the last few months to workaround these issues.

In other words, this is an incremental fix rather than an all-in-one,
point-me-to-a-single-patch fix.


So, it seems the wisest thing to do is just wait until 5.0.14... and hope that it will be released soon.

Thanks anyway Michael.
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