When removing the various locales on the base system where Horde 3 is
installed I can break the message preview in DIMP. Pretty much the
same thing described in http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/5955
That issue is however closed as not being a bug and I'm not certain I
understand the issue completely so I thought I ask here.
Horde 3 is running on Ubuntu 10.04 and I removed the locales with
these commands ...
apt-get remove locales
rm -rf /usr/lib/locale/*.utf8
... cleared the Horde cache afterwards ....
rm /tmp/cache_*
... and restarted the apache server:
/etc/init.d/apache restart
For messages that contain German Umlauts (that were displayed fine
before) the DIMP preview is empty now. At the same time I get this
stack trace in the PHP error log:
[25-Aug-2011 17:14:02] PHP Warning: json_encode() [<a
href='function.json-encode'>function.json-encode</a>]: Invalid UTF-8
sequence in argument in /www/client/imp/lib/JSON.php on line 86
[25-Aug-2011 17:14:02] PHP Stack trace:
[25-Aug-2011 17:14:02] PHP 1. {main}() /www/client/dimp/imp.php:0
[25-Aug-2011 17:14:02] PHP 2. IMP::sendHTTPResponse()
[25-Aug-2011 17:14:02] PHP 3. IMP_Serialize_JSON::encode()
[25-Aug-2011 17:14:02] PHP 4. json_encode() /www/client/imp/lib/JSON.php:86
As far as I understand it so far the following happens:
When the application gets pushed in the Registry the code tries to set
the language environment (NLS::setLang()). This method will try to
enable the correct locale but will also check that the locale with the
current character set set actually exists. In case the browser
supports "utf" the system will try for character set "UTF-8".
Since I removed those locales however NLS::setLang() will fall back to
a working character set. In my case the 'ISO-8859-1' charset. After
that NLS::getCharset() will always return this value.
Once the system tries to show the message preview it looks at the
message converts it to the current character set ('ISO-8859-1') and
pipes it into json_encode(). The latter one chokes as it expects UTF-8
and the preview breaks.
I don't think I have the full picture yet so I'm mainly asking if my
observation could be correct. If yes, is this to be expected and
should the user just ensure that all locales are present in UTF-8? Or
is this something that could easily be fixed?
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