Quoting mat...@jekabsons.lv:

And does anybody know solution to that bug?
Or the only solution is to go back to Horde3? :(

No. If it worked fine in Horde 3 but does not work any longer in Horde 4 then it is obviously an issue we'd be interested in solving.

It would help though if you can provide a few more details. Your original message didn't even state that you are using Horde 4. It would help if you can detail who is sending the message, who is reading it and under which conditions you see the question mark. If possible it would be helpful to get some information about the message (e.g. its encoding) or you could attach the message in its complete form if it contains no private information.

Please create an issue with those details if the same thing worked fine in Horde 3.



Quoting Jānis <j...@ktf.rtu.lv>:

Citējot mat...@jekabsons.lv:

There ir an issue with cirylic, when tryin to send cirylic text it look like ??????????????????????? and thats all. How to solve it? :(

used encoding problem, especialy - if you are replaying to message


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