Vilius Šumskas <> a écrit :
Zitat von Vilius ?umskas <>:
> Hello,
> add_source preference description reads:
> // Address book to use for adding addresses.
> // Put $cfgSources array element name in the value field.
> // Setting value to localsql would allow you to add contacts to
> MySQL database
> // See turba/config/sources.php for more info
> However with H4 this doesn't work anymore. I get "Unknown address
> book 'localsql'." every time I send an email. Also, when I re-save
> preferences trough GUI and look at MySQL database I see that the new
> add_source preference value goes like "NAkkIDxJBD9OMCV5CTiyKsA".
> What is the correct corresponding value for this preference under H4
> so I can put it to prefs.local.php for all new users?
See the example hook.
OK. I have enabled prefs_init hook in imp/config/hooks.php
I have created imp/config/prefs.local.php with a content:
$_prefs['add_source'] = array(
'value' => '',
'type' => 'enum',
'enum' => array(),
'hook' => true,
'desc' => _("Choose the address book to use when adding addresses.")
I still get the same message about unknown address book 'localsql'
when sending email. Seems like
$GLOBALS['registry']->call('contacts/getDefaultShare'); returns
'localsql' instead of share id.
try this :
prefs.local.php :
$_prefs['search_sources']['value'] = '';
$_prefs['search_sources']['locked'] = true;
$_prefs['search_sources']['hook'] = true;
$_prefs['search_fields']['value'] = '';
$_prefs['search_fields']['locked'] = true;
$_prefs['search_fields']['hook'] = true;
$_prefs['add_source']['value'] = '';
$_prefs['add_source']['locked'] = true;
$_prefs['add_source']['hook'] = true;
enable hooks using the provided examples for those 3 prefs and remove
the actual values in your prefs backend.
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