Marco <falon <at>> writes:

> It seems that with this:
> {"939e0d883993d2a7a36e0b4bc68d3bbe":["name","email"],"localldap":
> ["name","email"]}
> autocomplete doesn't work: no search has done.
> Into web IMP addressbook preferences I see my addressbooks on right panel with
> only "name" and "email" selected, as desired.
> Autocomplete during "compose" mail works only if I leave default hook with 
> this
> result:
> {"939e0d883993d2a7a36e0b4bc68d3bbe":
> ["firstname","lastname","middlenames","namePrefix","nameSuffix","name","alias",
> "birthday","photo","phototype","homeStreet","homePOBox","homeCity",
> "homeProvince","homePostalCode","homeCountry","homeAddress","workStreet",
> "workPOBox","workCity","workProvince","workPostalCode","workCountry",
> "workAddress","timezone","email","homePhone","workPhone","cellPhone","fax",
> "pager","title","role","company","logo","logotype","category","notes","website"
> ,"freebusyUrl","pgpPublicKey","smimePublicKey"],"localldap":
> ["name","email","firstname","lastname","freebusyUrl"]}
> (but in web preferences address book have still have only "name" and "email"
> selected, ...I'm confused)
> Many thanks
> Marco

Maybe I have an answer to these issues.

The backend probably is not read because these were 'shared' preferences, and
horde4 has not shared preferences.

How are shared preferences migrated?

About hook, I see that it works also with my modification only if I set

$conf[compose][ac_browser] = 0
instead of
$conf[compose][ac_browser] = 200

Really I can't understand why.

Thank you very much for every hints.

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