Quoting Harlan Stenn <harlan.st...@pfcs.com>:

Michael wrote:
Harlan wrote:
> I'll give it a shot, thanks, and at this point I would be surprised if
> there were *any* preferences set.
> This is a *fresh* install - I built the DB from scratch and installed
> the software from scratch (I did this after my previous horde
> installation stopped working, so I deleted all of the installed horde
> packages and I removed the entire horde mysql database, then I did a
> "fresh" re-install and re-did the configuration).
> I will check to see if there are any imp preferences as soon as I can
> (it may be today, it may be tomorrow - I'm gonna do a 7 hour drive
> sometime in the next 12-36 hours).

Blowing away the preferences might work since IMP will fall back to a
different sorting algorithm.  My guess is that a certain sort is
causing c-client to segfault (c-client is notorious for segfaulting on
certain headers with bad/wonky data) while the default sort is
skipping the offending code in c-client.

If this is the case, this is a PHP issue, not a Horde issue.

I was right - there were no preferences stored in the mysql database.

This is a fresh install - I am pretty much trying things out for the
first time for this installation.

What might I try next to figure out the root cause of this issue?

Then it is almost certainly a c-client issue.


Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]

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