Am Mi 30 Jun 2010 18:45:14 CEST schrieb Michael M Slusarz <>:
No, the start parameter is correctly set. The problem is that the Content-ID for both parts is identical. I can not figure out how

You're right, I didn't recognize.

this happens - on my Horde 3/IMP 4 setup (IMP 4.3.8) this does not happen - the Content-IDs for the two parts are different.

So you will either have to upgrade IMP (and Horde) and try again, or else track down why this isn't working on your installation since I can not reproduce.

After further testing, ist seems, that the fault is machine-related. On our developement system (copied the whole horde-install on it for testing), the Content-IDs are different and according to that, the mail is displayed correctly.

Why doesn't the function setContentID() return a unique ID?
    function setContentID($cid = null)
        if (is_null($this->_contentid)) {
$this->_contentid = (is_null($cid)) ? (base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36) . '@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) : $cid;
        return $this->_contentid;

Our usual (not working) install is running on a virtualized Ubuntu with PHP Version 5.2.10-2ubuntu6.4.

Do you have got any ideas?

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